


Fee Payments

All fees are to be read in conjunction with the Terms and Conditions contained in the Remarkable Kids Enrolment Agreement and alongside our fees policy. Remarkable Kids reserves the right to review the fees schedule at it’s own discretion.

For any special promotion, please scroll to the bottom of the page.

Full day (over 7 hours)

Age 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day
Under 3's $215 $285 $330 $365
Over 3's (with 20 hours ECE) $160 $200 $235 $265
Over 3's (without 20 hours ECE) $215 $285 $330 $365

Short day (up to 7 hours) between 8am and 5pm

Age 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day
Under 3’s $180 $220 $260 $295
Over 3’s (with 20 hours ECE) $110 $155 $185 $235
Over 3’s (without 20 hours ECE) $180 $220 $260 $295


If your tamaiti is aged over three years you are eligible for up to 6 hours per day to a maximum of 20 hours per week subsidised early childhood education under the 20 Hours ECE policy. To receive this entitlement, you must complete and sign an Attestation form to confirm your tamaiti is not attending another centre during the same claimed hours.

For more information on 20 Hours ECE please visit the Ministry of Education website: www.minedu.govt.nz

You may be eligible for a childcare subsidy on fees from WINZ. This subsidy is only part payment for fees and parents must meet the balance. Full fees will be charged until the centre receives the subsidy, until this time parents are responsible for paying the fees.

Enrolment Conditions

Minimum enrolment is two days per week.

A $50 enrolment fee is due upon enrolment. This enrolment fee confirms your space and covers administration of enrolment, portfolio for your tamariki, a bucket hat and a wet bag for your tamaiti. If the enrolment is cancelled your enrolment fee will not be refunded.

Two weeks notice is required in writing when leaving the centre or changing hours.

A 20% discount is applied to the fees of the eldest tamaiti if you have two or more tamariki enrolled in the centre for full days.

Nappies and Food are provided and included in the fees.

An Optional Fee of $50 per week is charged to cover meals for tamariki attending the sessions for over 3 years old, taking up the 20 hours ECE subsidy.

2 weeks (pro-rata) holiday discount (50%) can be used for holidays, public holidays, or sick days.

School Hours Promotion

9am – 3pm, Monday – Friday

2 – 3 yr olds

$150 per week

3 yrs and over

$100 per week


Terms and Conditions: This promotion is only available for new enrolments. You are agreeing to attend daily and drop off AT 9am and pick up AT 3pm, no later, no earlier. Limited spaces available. Meals are included, nappies are not. There is no holiday leave allocation.